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  • Writer's picturePatrick

Settling in to Fall.

     The temperatures have finally fallen.  The nights are better for sleeping, the animals are more relaxed, and canning season is drawing to an end.  We are busy now with fall jobs, preparing for winter.  The firewood has been moved in to the garage - all 14 cords.  Our pigs have been processed and sales are going really well. All of our piglets from the most recent litters have been sold except for five which will stay here.  We have a new finishing area for the feeder pigs and the other pig area has been updated to allow for better rotation.  We harvested honey from our hive and were excited to get about 80 pounds of beautiful honey. Our hops didn't do great this year but I was able to brew a batch of Fallen Branch Farm IPA. I have a few ideas for brewing recipes to keep us through the winter including a nice Irish stout!  Although there is still much harvesting to be done, we are actually finding time to enjoy the fruits of our labours - literally!  Smoked ribs, sausage, fruit, vegetables, and even figs from our fig tree.

     We have had a few opportunities to explore the immediate area and have found some interesting Amish "stores".  Run by the Amish out of their homes and barns, you would be surprised what you can find at these stores. One location has every kind of household supply an Amish household would need, including dishes, canning supplies, pots and pans, and of course manual ice cream makers.  Another store is a dry goods store.  We bought a 20 kg bag of whole wheat that was grown and milled just 2 roads over from our farm for just $16.  Supplying all your baking needs, you can even get Kool Aid and Kraft Dinner there!   

     We have been fortunate to host a lot of friends and family at the farm this summer.  I know that as the winter settles in we will not see many visitors until the spring.  We decided to have an open house Saturday November 3 so that friends and relatives can drop by before the bad weather hits.  This will be a great chance to catch up and see what we have been up to here at the farm.

    I've already got a stack of books ready.  Paul plans on doing a lot of painting this winter and hopefully have a show next year.  Lots of recipes to try out as well.  But for now, there is still lots to be done!

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